首页 iNotes中被混乱的变量


if ( AAA.FGG ) alert( "We are in lite mode" );
AAA = com_ibm_dwa_globals
FGG = fLiteMode

AAA.EVI.sr (nLevel, sId, sMessage, fNoAlert)记录信息至调试台(按住”Ctrl“并点击"IBM Lotus iNotes" 标志打开调试控制台)
AAA = com_ibm_dwa_globals
EVI = oStatusManager
sr = addEntry
nLevel = log level: 0 = error, 1 = warning, 2 = info, 3 = detail
sId = Not used. Set it to ""
sMessage = text message to appear in the console
fNoAlert = true: don't show message on alert area, even though the log level is higher than or equal to "info"
Exp:AAA.EVI.sr (2,'','hello inotes',false);

Forms8.ntf ObfuscationList.txt

链接:Debugging tips

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