如果可能,最好不要用Domino Java(是C++的对象,不能回收)!用的话注意内存回收(Recyle)
Java 类路径
Include the classes in the agent/web service you are writing.
Put the classes in a Java script library and include the script library.
Use the JavaUserClasses notes.ini setting.
Put the classes in the jvm/lib/ext folder.
Session session = getSession();
PrintWriter pw = getAgentOutput();
AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext();
Database dbCur = agentContext.getCurrentDatabase();
Document doc = agentContext.getDocumentContext();
;JavaMinHeapSize=67108864 64MB
;JavaMaxHeapSize=1073741824 1024MB。 容易照成OutOfMemory错误
HTTPJVMMaxHeapSize=1024M 1/4内存 容易照成内存不够的错误 导致系统崩溃
JavaVerboseGC=1 开启内存GC信息
JavaVerbose=1 开启Java详细信息
Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() ,Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()可以查看JVM内存使用情况
链接:Java in Notes/Domino Explained: Classloading
Managing external Java dependencies in Domino Designer
Java memory management in Notes/Domino
Understanding the IBM Software Developers Kit (SDK) for Java