首页 transmission-daemon - BT服务器(centos)

transmission-daemon - BT服务器(centos)

yum install -y http://download.fedora.devel.redhat.com/pub/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
yum install -y transmission-daemon
chkconfig transmission-daemon on
Start transmission and set your configuration options.
# transmission-daemon -auth -u username -v password If you want to set a different port, utilize the -p option. The default is 9091
# transmission-daemon -auth -u username -v password -p port * If you want to change the directory you download to, specify the -w option. The default is /root/Downloads
# transmission-daemon -auth -u username -v password -w /directory/to/download/files
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